So here we are, the final post... We said goodbye to Baltimore on Saturday morning...

Goodbye, Peabody Court Hotel...

We headed for New Haven, where our original plan had been to busk at a festival they were having in town. Turns out that we had a bit more traveling to do than we realized to get there, and since the weather was crappy anyway, we just turned it into a travel day and left it at that. I got a little snap-happy on the road. I took this one at a stop light. I think it's a sports arena of some kind in downtown Baltimore. Don't I make a fabulous tour guide...

Okay, at this point Rebecca was driving, which made me even more snap-happy. I liked the whole drawbridge up thing. For a minute we headed toward it and Rebecca told me to slow down, but I said, "I'm gonna speeeeeed it uuuuuppppp..." Oh, wait... that was Keanu and Sandra... LOL.

Bridge shots.

I liked all these light fixtures in a clump like they are for some reason.

This one caught me because of the shape of the building next to whatever structures those are that mimic the same shape. Click!

And I like this version of it because of the contrast between the grass and sky. Not that I did anything intentional to make it happen. I am strictly a point-and-shoot-and-hope-for-the-best kind of gal!

Uh... I liked the blue tiles? Maybe? What can I say, I was tired!

Ah, yes... Rebecca brought this to my attention, and we both thought it was pretty funny. So... SNAP!

Our old pal the Vince Lombardi Service Area.

This I snapped because I am a huge "The Office" fan, and one of their fictional branches is in Stamford. So even though it's blurry, it made the blog!
Saturday was a long day on the road... about eight hours in the end. There was driving, and napping, and photo-taking, and in the end we wound up at a great little pub for dinner with Rebecca's friends Meredith, Woj, and Jane. We stayed with Meredith and Woj for the night, and then headed to Milford the next day for our final gig at Cafe Atlantique.
Poor Milford. Who could have foreseen when they named the town what colloquial terms might eventually become popular? I never would have thought of it if someone else hadn't said it--and if you haven't figured it out, I will not corrupt you--but I found it sad that even my 13-year-old cousin was like, "The name of the town is 'Milford?' Hahahahahahahhahahaha!" Innocence is a thing of the past.

Here is the best shot I could get of Cafe Atlantique in the fading light after our gig. There may be more in Rebecca's batch... we haven't done the final photo swap yet.
After this gig we drove home.
And there you have it! Boston to Baltimore (and back)! We had a great time, met some amazing people, made friends and fans, sold CDs, laughed, sang, bonded, and blogged. My first touring experience was fantastic thanks to Rebecca's careful planning, incredible organizational skills, and unlimited patience with someone older and crankier (that would be me) !
We'll be playing together locally in the upcoming months, and then who knows? Watch our websites for all the news that's fit to print! Thanks for taking the journey with us. We'll see you again soon!
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