Friday morning we bid adieu to Amy and Jessica's place... doesn't it kind of look like the house on "Sesame Street?"

Before heading back to Baltimore for our show at Read Street Books, we met Amy for lunch and did a little last-minute sight-seeing.

The Folger Shakespeare Library as I walked quickly by on our way to meet Amy...

Here it is from the front...

We came across the Code Pink ladies on our way to a local Thai place... I love them. They are so fabulous in their pink garb--all activists should choose a color to represent themselves! It makes it so much easier to know who you're dealing with.

Here's something from the wall of the Thai place. The craftsy (as opposed to "crafty"--which I also am) person in me couldn't resist taking a shot so I could attempt my own version of this fabulous piece later in life. It's like quilted and embroidered and sequined and beaded all in one. Love it!

Amy, Becks and Me. The perspective of this shot, with the biggest person in front (hi!), makes Amy and Rebecca look like Hobbits next to me. It reminds me of the pic I had done with my cousin at the Lord Of The Rings exhibit when it was at The Museum of Science in Cambridge.

Approaching the Library of Congress...

Okay, there are probably 9000 views of the Capitol building just like this one, but it feels different when you're taking it yourself!

The flags outside the Library.

What I love about this one is that it's a total composite shot that I stitched together using the bottom of one wider angled shot, and the top (with the flag) of a longer angled shot. And you would never have known that if I hadn't told you. Ha!

And again with the Capitol...

So, Rob Laurens told me to just walk into the Library of Congress if I had limited sight-seeing time. He was right that it's magnificent. I totally want my house to look just like this... ;-)


Far... (and the second "Sesame Street" reference in this blog!)

The view from where I was standing in the near/far pictures.

Uh... what's on the roof?

The other view from where I was standing in the near/far pictures.

More words of wisdom...

The artistry of this place is just stunning.

Art may be long, but someday soon it's only going to read "ong" if they don't fix this one!

Not sure what this exhibit entailed (live performances of some sort?), but I liked the posters.

I'm a sucker for a theater. Rebecca and I hummed a few bars of "Home Again" while we were standing there. Great acoustics.

Paintings of musical instruments seemed worthy of snapping...

I shot this room because it looks like the press briefing room on "The West Wing." Another one for you, Kristen!

Finally the flags cooperated enough to be read...

Side of the Supreme Court building... we were running out of time!

Another view of the Folger Shakespeare Library on the way back to the car.

Capitol Hill, baby!

And Mass Ave. I don't care where we were, that's how you say it!

I thought it was cool that there was a Davidson decal on the car in front of us, so there ya go.

Back in Baltimore, our home for the night, the fabulous Read Street Books.

Our last dog of the tour... Miranda, who belonged to Lisette from Read St. Total sweeties--both dog and owner.

Self portrait: alone at Read Street, waiting for Rebecca and her mom to get back from the first drop of stuff at the hotel.
Rebecca's mom flew in from Kentucky to surprise Rebecca; a secret I was in on and had almost revealed about 47 times that day alone as Rebecca referenced her mom in a variety of ways. It was very cool because Rebecca had NO IDEA, and also because Mrs. Katz had gotten a hotel room nearby (just when you were wondering what the blog title was all about!) and we both got to join her and have a luxurious night in real beds--our first since leaving Virginia. We were spoiled with excellent air mattresses all along the way, don't get me wrong--I slept DAMN WELL on this tour--but nothing beats a real bed. Also I finally got to have my crab cakes and they were YUM-MY!

Again, this is just SOME of our stuff...
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