We had a good first day. We hit the road around noon and had a smooth ride from Boston to Trenton, NJ. We were both thanking all the powers that be for the fact that I'd gotten my car's AC fixed a few days before. Was it HOT ENOUGH FOR YA yesterday? How about today? Yeah.

For some reason, the phrase from this blog's title was in my head and I said it once or twice as we hit the road, and it stuck. We ended up using it repeatedly throughout the day and night. I fessed up right away that I had no idea where I'd gotten it from, but was certainly stealing it from SOMEWHERE. We found out later it's a Larry the Cable Guy thing, which is interesting since I never watch him.
I drove the first leg of the trip since it's my car and I like driving... Rebecca took a bunch of pictures of the road as we hit various milestones. Here are just a few...

At this point Rebecca and I switched, and she drove the rest of the way into Trenton. I had only gotten about four hours of sleep and was starting to feel it. So I took a nap, and she drove, and that made it really hard to take any more pics of the road. We did manage to grab this last one...

Okay, so I have to tell you this story because it's SO ridiculous. Becks and I went to dinner at a place called Graziella Ristorante, a new restaurant in the same complex The Cookie Cottage is in. We were enjoying our dinners, just chatting, and Rebecca was telling me the story of buying the new shirt she was wearing, a perfectly fabulous (and feminine!) tailored white shirt with thin black vertical stripes. She had been standing in line and some teenage girl looked at her and said, "Oh, my dad has that shirt," in kind of a thinly-veiled bitchy way. Rebecca said to her, "Well, I doubt it would fit him." What she WANTED to say was, "I hope he has better manners than you." JUST as she said these words to me, the man at the table across from us let out the LOUDEST fart I have ever heard in public. It was like literally ten seconds long, and cued EXACTLY to follow her manners statement. It took us a stunned second to absorb the fact that it had actually happened, and then we were killing ourselves trying to stifle our laughter so as not to embarrass ourselves or him. It was very funny and we referenced it all night, which spawned many giggle fits as it got later and later and we got more and more slap-happy.

We had a great first night, and ended with an hour drive from Trenton to Vineland to meet up with Vincent and crash. VERY comfy Aerobed accommodations. I slept SO well. I'd also like to say that bringing my little fan with me was the smartest move I've ever made. Not only for the fact that it was 9-zillion degrees, but for the comforting white noise I would definitely have missed.
Quote of the day, by Rebecca, in response to my asking if she had any chocolate in her bag of snacks: "If I ever leave the house without chocolate, check my pulse."
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